The following information will give you an insight as to what your child will be taught over the the two days for each stage. Further information is available on request.
All the necessary books will be available to purchase via the madrassa, we request that you send your child with the correct equipment to learn, they must have their own pencill case with the relevant stationery.
There are 3 levels of learning; Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced which include both arabic language and islamic studies.
Arabic Language
Read and write arabic alphabet with different vowels
Learn some words, sentences, colours and numbers in arabic
Islamic Studies
Introduction to Juz Amma and Salaah, why we pray and how
Ramadhaan, learning about fasting and Eidul Fitr
Memorising 5 surahs from Juz Amma and 8 daily supplications
Arabic Language
Read and write words and sentences.
Use words with missing letters
Learn the difference between masculine and feminine words
Introduction to reading Juz Amma with tajweed
Islamic Studies
Salaah, why we pray and how
Wudhu-Fardh and Sunaah
Memorise 16 Suraahs in Juz Amma up to Suraah Al-Bayyinah
Understanding the pillars of Islam
Memorising daily supplications (Duas)
Learning about our prophets
Arabic Languages
Read Quran with Tajweed
Learn the rules of tajweed
Read and write words and sentences
construct sentences and dialogues
Islamic Studies
Leading Salaah
Memorise Duas in all 3 books
Aiming to memorise Juz Amma
Learning about our prophets in depth
Understand and learn Hadiths
New course addition the striving youth...growing up as a muslim